AJS_Validator API

Opt .............. Optional instance/property (where applicable). An application may use or ignore optional return-objects/-values.
N ................. Number of instances required, permitted or available within the scope in question (applies only to user-createable objects, a dash is shown for object properties)
Object .......... Any object with an Object prototype
* ................. Many/Any-Class
BoolLit/Bool ... Boolean object or boolean literal
NumLit/Num .. Number object or number literal
StrLit/Str ....... String object or string literal
1 ................. Except when AJS_Validator is suspended, in which case it returns undefined
Name Class Opt N Arguments Returns Return-Description
createAJS_Validator Function N ( Object AJS, Function createDefMgr, Function onException Object AJS_Validator
AJS_Validator Object N 1
ValidationDef Object Y 0..*
ValidationDefCtrl Object Y 0..*

applyValidationDef Function ( Object MethodOwner, Object ValidationDef [, StrLit/Str MethodOwnerName]) Object ValidationDefCtrl (See Note 1)
pushValidationDef Function ( Object MethodOwner, Object ValidationDef [, StrLit/Str MethodOwnerName]) undefined
applyValidationDefQueue Function ( ) NumLit/Num No. Defs Applied (See Note 1)
resume Function ( ) undefined
suspend Function ( ) undefined
Version StrLit
AJS_Validator_Tag StrLit

getClass Function ( * Obj) StrLit Class-name
isDefined Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) * Object passed as Arg 1
isNull_Not Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, BoolLit NeverUndefined]]) * Object passed as Arg 1
isOfClass Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str ClassName, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) * Object passed as Arg 1
isOfClass_Not Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str ClassName, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) * Object passed as Arg 1
isBoolean Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, BoolLit NeverUndefined]]) BoolLit/Bool Object passed as Arg 1
isBoolean_Not Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, BoolLit NeverUndefined]]) * (Except BoolLit/Bool) Object passed as Arg 1
isNumber Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, BoolLit NeverUndefined]]) NumLit/Num Object passed as Arg 1
isNumber_Not Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, BoolLit NeverUndefined]]) * (Except NumLit/Num) Object passed as Arg 1
isString Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, BoolLit NeverUndefined]]) StrLit/Str StrLit/Str passed as Arg 1
isString_Not Function ( * Obj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, BoolLit NeverUndefined]]) * Object passed as Arg 1
isInteger Function ( NumLit/Num Num, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, BoolLit NeverUndefined]]) NumLit/Num NumLit/Num passed as Arg 1
isRegExMatch Function ( StrLit/Str Str, RegExp RegExp, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, BoolLit NeverUndefined]]) StrLit/Str StrLit/Str passed as Arg 1
isIn Function ( * Prop, Object Obj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) Object Property denoted by value of Arg 1
isIn_Not Function ( * Prop, Object Obj StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) Object Object passed as Arg 2
isIn_Array Function ( * Mem, Array ArrayObj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) * Member denoted by value of Arg 1
isIn_Array_Not Function ( * Mem, Array ArrayObj, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) Array Array passed as Arg 2
isConformant Function ( Object Obj, Function test_ObjProp, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, NumLit/Num MinSize [, NumLit/Num MaxSize ]]]) Object Object passed as Arg 1
isConformant_Array Function ( Array ArrayObj, Function test_ArrMem, [, StrLit/Str MsgPrefix [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, NumLit/Num MinLength [, NumLit/Num MaxLength]]]) Array Array passed as Arg 1
MethodNames Array Y
CallDef Array Y
RtnDef Object Y
PreValidator Function Y ([ arguments Args [, StrLit/Str MethodName [, Object MethodOwner [, Function onUserException [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, Object ValidationDef]]]]]]) undefined
PostValidator Function Y ([ arguments Args [, StrLit/Str MethodName [, Object MethodOwner [, Function onUserException [, NumLit/Num StackOffset [, Object ValidationDef [, * RtnVal]]]]]]]) undefined
AllowDiffThis BoolLit Y
resume Function ( ) undefined
suspend Function ( ) undefined
MethodName StrLit/Str N 1..*
ArgDef Object Y 0..*
NeverUndefined BoolLit Y
NeverNull BoolLit Y
NeverFractional BoolLit Y
NeverNegative BoolLit Y
NeverZero BoolLit Y
NeverPositive BoolLit Y
MinLen NumLit/Num Y
MaxLen NumLit/Num Y
MinVal NumLit/Num Y
MaxVal NumLit/Num Y
RegExp RegExp Y
AllowClasses Array Y
DisallowClasses Array Y
AllowTags Array Y
DisallowTags Array Y
NeverExtensible BoolLit Y
NeverNotFrozen BoolLit Y
NeverNotSealed BoolLit Y
ApplyTag StrLit/Str Y
Freeze BoolLit Y
PreventExt BoolLit Y
Seal BoolLit Y
Call-Backs createDefMgr Function N ( StrLit/Str ClientName, StrLit/Str DefType, Function onException) Object DefMgr
test_ObjProp Function N ( * Property, StrLit PropertyKey, Function onUserException, NumLit/Num StackOffset) undefined
test_ArrMem Function N ( * Member, NumLit MemberPosition, Function onUserException, NumLit/Num StackOffset) undefined
onException Function N ( StrLit/Str ExceptionClassName, StrLit/Str Message, [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) undefined
onUserException Function N ( StrLit/Str Message [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) undefined